free cross-promotion of your eBay listings
Important information regarding the new eBay policy on external links.

1. Your eBay ID/username:

2. Your listings are on:

3. a new cross-promotion gallery using the above settings

What will CrossItems do for me?  

If you sell on eBay is a site for you. It allows you to sell more by taking advantage of cross-selling. In a few clicks you can create a cross-promotion gallery showcasing your eBay products and post it into your eBay listing(s).
CrossItems generates a simple, no-nonsense gallery which is hard to overlook and thus will give you many additional clicks and sales. Try it out now!

More clicks

You'll get hundreds of additional visitors to your listings. Yes - you can sell more!

It's free!

Most functions are available for free. Professional sellers can get more for $2.

Wanna enrich your listings even more?

Our sister site - - lets you upload additional photos of your eBay products and post them in the body of your listings. Use your CrossItems login & password to sign in.

Check out our Facebook profile - click Like It:

Automatic updating

Paste our gallery once and it'll update automatically, also if you Sell Again.

Easy yet advanced

You can choose which items to promote and adjust your galleries to your specific needs.